Meet Petra Sheibani

Meet Petra Sheibani

She is a classy 58 year old boutique owner who was inspired to get her license a few months ago. At 58 she proved, it is never too late to go for what you want.

What inspired you to get your licence?  
I always wanted to ride a motorbike, my husband rides a motorbike and in the earlier days I sat on the back seat. I was certain riding the bike was more fun but when I was younger, I hardly had time to do anything for myself, I was raising three children, working part time and on top of that studying, so I decided to get my license now. It is never too late to do something you dreamt of. 

What were your biggest challenges?
My biggest challenge was overcoming the fear induced by the negative comments I heard about motorbiking, comments like, it’s too dangerous, it’s not safe. The second challenge was convincing my husband that it was a good idea. Once I overcame these, my third challenge was the first lesson itself, that was definitely a unique experience. 

How tall are you? 
Height: 168

What bike do you ride?  
Honda CB500F

Why did you choose this bike?
Because it fit my size, and I needed a bike I could control easily. Also I wanted to start with a bike with no more than 48 bhp.

What do you enjoy about biking?
I enjoy the freedom that comes with biking, the speed. I also love proving to myself that I, at 58 am able to do this.

What advise would give to people who want to start?
I would say respect biking, be careful but don’t be overcome by fear, because as much as it can be dangerous it can also be fun.

If you have any questions for Petra put them in the comment section.

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